I first used a straight razor in my teens and it is still my daily shave.  I have been restoring setting and honing them for decades and selling razors and services on Ebay for 21 years. I carry out all work myself and test every blade before I send it out to you.  

Conservation has always been a passion, it has always made sense to me to restore rather than replace. It is my experience that a properly restored vintage high carbon steel razor is razor is far superior to the majority of modern blades particularly alloy steel ones. 

Few shave ready razors sold on this platform and others are actually shave ready, this lack of sharpness is the reason many give up at their first attempt. If you have to ask the question is my razor sharp it isn’t. 

I recommend starting out with a sharp razor and a good strop made from the correctly repaired materials. I do sell a range of strops made from finally prepared top gain leather and fine cotton canvas.  Do Check my feedback to see what others think of the items I sell.

Not for sale to those under 18 years of age