A lovely souvenir from the 

Great War 1914-18 

 in the shape of a 

Trench Art Circular Ashtray

as fashioned from a brass shell casing.

A part of the 

British Expeditionary Force,

the SWB deployed to Belgium in 1914 and fought in 

The First Battle of Ypres

Between 1914 & 1918,

the Regiment lost over 5,000 men killed in action,

and winning 6 Victoria Crosses before war's end.

 A very attractive artefact hand-beaten

by a Welsh soldier fighting in Belgium duting

The Great War, it retains a lovely patina and,

 measuring approx 4" across, the centre features a

South Wales Borderers

Other Ranks Cap Badge.

A smashing souvenir from The Trenches of Flanders..!

 Thanks for looking..!