ІSilver Hoof" is a fairy tale, short story written by Pavel Bazhov, based on the folklore of the Ural region of Siberia. In this fairy tale, the characters meet the legendary creature from Ural folklore called Silver Hoof. Kokovanya adopted the orphan Daryonka and her kitten Meow Meow. Legend has it, he brought them to the forest where he hunted in winter. Here is a magic goat with a silver hoof on its right front foot. Gems will appear wherever the silver hoof steps. Can Daryonka and Kitten find the silver hoof goat? The character of Silver Hoof is based on the Ural legends. Bazhov mentioned that he had heard tales about the mythical creature Silver Deer, also known as the elk Golden Horns and the goat Silver Hoof. The exact origin of the creature is unknown, but deer have significant roles in the mythology of various peoples located all over the world. In the folklore tales, the goat/deer can be either friendly or harmful. Golden or silver deer/elk became popular at the Urals in the 18th century. According to the Bashkir folklore, dreaming about a goat is a good omen. The Finnic peoples prayed to the Elk. While the character of Silver Hoof is in fact based on the legends, the actual storyline was penned by Bazhov.


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