RARITÄT von BURNS/LONDON aus den frühen 60´igern in TOP original Zustand (siehe Bilder). Sehr seltenes Instrument in diesem Zustand. Aus Sammlung, mit den berühmten alten original TRI-SONIC Pickups (Favoriten von BRIAN MAY/QUEEN), sowie kompl. originaler Elektronik etc...Das Instrument wird von Privat unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung verkauft.

RARITY of BURNS/LONDON from the early 60's in TOP original condition (see pictures). Very rare instrument in this state. Out of a collection, with the famous old original three TRI-SONIC pickups (favorites of BRIAN MAY/QUEEN), as well as complete original electronics, wiring...The instrument is sold by private individuals under exclusion of any warranty (Buyers outside of Germany pay higher shipping costs, insurance and possibly other costs outside the EU import duties/customs etc.)