Information about Dr Willmar Schwabe India Dolichos Dilution 6 CH

Dr Willmar Schwabe India Dolichos Dilution 200 CH is a homeopathic medicine, primarily used to manage liver and skin conditions. It is an effective remedy for intense itching without eruptions and is indicated in nervous sensibility and senile pruritus. It can be used to relieve ailments associated with jaundice and contains mild laxative properties, making it an excellent remedy for constipation. It can also be used to manage distention of the abdomen with dark colored stool.

Key Ingredients:
  • Dolichos Dilution

Key Benefits:
  • Dolichos Pruriens is a chief remedy for the right sided pruritis
  • It relieves Intense itching of the skin but there is no swelling or rash
  • Itching is worse across the shoulders, around the elbows, knees and on hairy parts. Itching more at night and on right side of the body
  • It is also helpful in senile pruritis worse at night, on scratching and on the right side of the body
  • Dolichos Pruriens is also indicated in abdominal affections having colic from getting feet wet. Bloated abdomen, constipation with itching
  • This remedy also helps in liver conditions like jaundice and swelling of liver
  • Dolichos Pruriens also helps in treating haemorrhoids with burning sensation

Directions For Use:
Take 3-5 drops of the dilution in 1 teaspoon of water twice a day or as directed by the physician.

Safety Information:
  • Store in a cool and dry place
  • Keep out of reach of the children