Ideal for dry, cracked, damaged or inflamed skin. Suitable for relief from eczema / dermatitis, psoriasis, cuts and grazes, scars, cold sores, sunburn, and general skin health. Apply liberally as required. 

Ingredients: Organic Olive Oil, Jarrah Bees Wax, Shea Butter, Colloidal Silver.

Organic olive oil from Donnybrook is particularly  high in the anti-inflammatory compounds oleic acic and linoleic acid.

Bees Wax carries antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties suitable for treating chapped skin and mild skin infections.  It forms a protective wall by sealing in moisture without clogging pores. The bees wax used in Olivese is derived from Jarrah honey, which is 50% higher in anti-microbial activity than Manuka honey.

Shea butter is from Karite tree fruit seed. It is a skin superfood, rich in essential fatty acids, silica, and vitamins A and E.  It offers natural UV protection of SPF 5.

Colloidal silver is a proven natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agent. Syracuse Medical University found evidence that it may assist regrowth of damaged skin tissue.