We believe each citizen owes it to himself to find out as much about ID cards as he can, as a matter of self-defense. This section will remove the mystery from ID cards and reveal the government's paper reality for what it really is: Only Paper. In this section you will find out all you ever wanted to know about Fake ID, from the best ways to get it from the government, to how to make your own, to make-up and plastic surgery.An American citizenship and passport are two of the most highly-prized possessions a person can have... but there are distinct legal and financial advantages to having a second citizenship and passport. Author Adam Starchild explains the reasons and methods for acquiring both, in his highly-informative book. Covered are: A brief history of passports end nationality; How nationality is acquired; The advantages and disadvantages of multiple nationalities; How a second passport is obtained; Prerequisites for acquiring both a second citizenship and passport. This exact reprint of a little-known government manual is intended for drivers license examiners in all states and Canadian provinces. Shows exactly how drivers licenses are issued, recorded and filed.