I have no idea the age but these are an amazing find

A brief history of block printing

No discussion on the history of block printing in India can take place without mentioning the Mughals. The ‘heyday’ of hand block printing came during the reign of the Mughal Empire (1526-1857). The Mughals enjoyed an immense consumption of textiles, which were status symbols at the time. Since coinage was in short supply, cloth exchanges served as barter, underpinning the economic structure of the Empire.

India’s role in woodblock printing

You might be wondering when block printing was invented since it’s an art form that’s enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. And maybe you’ve wondered where woodblock printing originated, too. The answer: even though woodblock printing remains one of India’s leading heritage crafts and enjoys a strong visual identity worldwide, block printing didn’t actually originate in India. In fact, it all started in China.  And although China gave birth to woodblock printing about 4,000 years ago, India adopted and raised the art form.

In India, hand block printed textiles reached their highest visual expression and commercial potential. How did this happen? Well, India developed an unrivaled mastery in the secrets of natural plant dyes and mordants. This expertise enabled Indian printers to create unique designs and a color palette that became the envy of the world. Here, the tropical climate helped dyes could bloom to their deepest expression. Only in India could one find such intoxicating reds, rich blues, and saturated blacks. These were the prized creations of the dyers’ art.

Combine this ability with countless invasions and a diverse indigenous population and you can see how India came to possess an expansive printing pattern vocabulary. Suffice it to say that India’s unique history made a lasting imprint on the art of block printing!