Original Nov 5, 1870 Harpers Bazar, A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction, NY. Double page print after Thomas Nast giving advice on the lost art of general housework to make a woman into ideal wife and mother.  Other illustrations and topics of interest. ~11in x 16in. ~16pages. In protective sleeve. If you are interested in old books, newspapers, documents and paper memorabilia, please check out others items I have for bids. We do combine, when possible, like items, to save on shipping(11). (1-45-22)

VG condition. Age and wear indications. Binding holes. Wear & tear mostly at edges and spine being disbound.  Foxing/soiling/staining/toning. Soiling, minor separations at centerfold to Nast print. One of the illustrations was hand-colored. Study pictures closely to ascertain condition better.