• This adult dry dog food promotes digestive health while nourishing skin
  • A source of prebiotic fiber to support a balanced gut microbiome in your grown dog
  • This dog food is formulated to be highly digestible for optimal nutrient absorption and easier stool pick up
  • Packed with vitamin E and Omega 6 fatty acids to help your grown dog get a lustrous coat and healthy skin
  • Made with natural ingredients

Your grown dog wants to feel as good as he or she looks. Hill's Science Diet Sensitive Stomach & Skin Adult Dog Food is specially formulated for optimal digestive health. This dog food for sensitive stomachs uses prebiotic fiber to fuel gut bacteria and support a balanced microbiome. In addition, this dry dog food made with natural ingredients also provides an excellent source of vitamin E and Omega 6 fatty acids to nourish your dog's skin, and help maintain a healthy, shiny coat. This digestion care food is formulated with decades of cutting edge research to be a great tasting meal adult dogs can truly enjoy. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas. Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s Mission: To help enrich and lengthen the special relationships between people and their pets. More than 220 veterinarians, food scientists, technicians and Ph.D. nutritionists at Hill's develop all of Hill's pet foods to meet the needs of your pets. Hill’s only accepts ingredients from suppliers whose facilities meet stringent quality standards and who are approved by Hill's. Not only is each ingredient examined to ensure its safety, we also analyze each product's ingredient profile for essential nutrients to ensure your pet gets the stringent, precise formulation they need. Hill’s uses only high-quality ingredients including real chicken, lamb or salmon protein. Hill’s dry pet foods have quality protein as the first ingredient and provide clinically proven antioxidant benefits. Plus, they’re made with natural ingredients (plus vitamins, minerals & amino acids) and never contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or chicken by-product meal. Hill’s Food, Shelter & Love program donates food to shelters across the country, providing the proper nutrition that helps pets find their way to loving homes. With every purchase of Science Diet you help feed over 100,000 homeless pets every day, 365 days a year.

We offer FAST AND FREE SHIPPING on all USA orders
We usually handle the order within 4 days (often 2-3 days), and it usually takes 3 days for delivery. It means you will receive your order no later than 7 days after payment.
We use FedEx, USPS or UPS ground
Local pick up is not available at the moment
We DO NOT offer shipping option to PO BOX address, warehouse address, freight company address.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for visiting!