LIFE Magazine June 23, 1972

Pg… 4 The Beat of Life: The Cost of a Bombing Error in Vietnam. A Sea Giant. Forty Horses and a Circus Train. Flood in Rapid City, S. Dak.

Pg… 24B Night of Terror on Dunbarton: The 2000 Block on a Quiet Street in Rapid City Pays Its Price in the Deadly Floods. By Dale Wittner. Photographed by Heinz Kluetmeier

Pg… 2 Editorials: Apology Accepted. Looking for Heroes. They Know Your Mind

Pg… 31 Hotline for Help: A Denver Project Offers Troubled Young People the Chance to Call Up and Talk About Their Problems

Pg… 40 The World's Pollution: The Nations Get Together to Talk in Stockholm, but the Havoc is Already Global

Pg… 42 A LIFE Special: 'The Artillery Barrage' by Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Section from the Russian Nobel Prize Winner's New Novel, "August 1914." "No Regime Loves Great Writers"; Translator Michael Glenny Writes on Solzhenitsyn and His New Book

Pg… 62 Fillies of the Field: All–Girl Teams Tackle Pro Ball

Pg… 66 Little Monster Who Loves Leaves: The Gypsy Moth Chews His Way South

Pg… 69 Parting Shots: Warren Beatty Stars in the Great McGovern Money Hunt, by Chris Chase. Amy Vanderbilt on Ms., Morals and Marriage, by Elsie Washington. A Brave Girl Makes a Home in a World of Touch and Sound, by Betty Dunn

Pg… 12 Departments: The Presidency: Blossom Time in the White House. By Hugh Sidey

Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Cyclops Watches the "Today" Show

Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Richard Schickel Reviews "Skyjacked," "Prime Cut" and "A Day in the Death of Joe Egg"

Pg… 16–18 Departments: Reviews: Melvin Maddocks Enjoys Eric Ambler's Latest Thriller, "The Levanter"

Pg… 20 Departments: 31 Years Ago In 'Life': On the High Seas the Germans Won One, Lost One

Pg… 24A Departments: Letters to the Editors