Everard's Ride by Diana Wynne Jones 1994 Hardcover Limited edition numbered 827 out of 1000. 

Everard's Ride is the 1995 Boskone book by Guest of Honor Diana Wynne Jones. It contains two never-before-pub-lished novellas, "Everard's Ride" and "The True State of Affairs," six stories, and an article on Tolkien's narrative art.
The introduction is by noted fantasy author and Boskone 32 guest Patricia Wrede.

Boskone, the longest-running science fiction & fantasy convention in New England.

Everard's Ride is published in a limited edition of 1000 copies, of which the 10 lettered and the first 175 numbered are autographed and slipcased, and the remaining are numbered. The full-color, wrap-around dust jacket art is by Ruth Sanderson, Boskone 32's Official Artist.