This is a Beautiful Ultra Rare 1998 Lego 6199 Hydro Crystallisation Station Aquazone Deep See Lab. This set is new with the factory seals. The set has never been opened. It is in beautiful condition. This is a retired set for many years. It is a large box that was well cared for all the edges and corners look really good. The clear plastic windows are like new with no damage. There are couple a couple spots that show minor shelf wear being a large box. Please see it in the closeup photos. This set is mostly in near pristine condition. Please see all the picture I have took for additional description to show you the high quality of this 26-year-old set. These are very rare and very hard to find in this great condition. If you have any questions or need any other pictures feel free to contact me. This set is an actual piece of LEGO history. You can feel it when you hold this oldie in your hands and look at it. Guaranteed to make you smile. This is a tough one for me to let go. I've had it for many years in a nice box to prevent anything from happening to it. This was kept in a non-smoking clean temperature-controlled environment. There is much difference between this set and the sets they sold in the last 10 years  or so. This is a really nice set. Buyer will be pleased. This is not your average set. It will be packed very well for good safe shipping. Well-padded in a strong box for a good safe trip. Thanks for looking!!