Buffy The Vampire Slayer Factory X Prop Replica Slayer’s Stake

This very rare collectible is brand new in the original box (the box was only opened to photograph) . As can be seen in the photos, the box has a bit of damage in one of the corners). The collectible itself is in excellent condition, like new condition. From a smoke free home.

A replica of Mr Pointy Vampire Stake as used on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It featured prominently in the show’s first season as well as in promotional shots for the show.

The piece itself comes in a handsome satin-lined wooden box, adorned with an attractive brass plaque, and the inside of the lid features the now-famous words “Into every generation a Slayer is born, One girl in all the world, a chosen one...”

** I only ship to Canada and the U.S. **