OLD PRINT  -  "The Martyrdom of St Sebastian" by HANS MEMLING 
7" X 6.5"
Original painting was paint in 1475.
In this high quality print, Hans Memling concentrates on Sebastian's first confrontation with his executioners.
 The action takes place in a raised site, dominating a vast landscape of a port city surrounded by a medieval wall. 
To the right one archer has just shot his arrow, whilst the second is stretching his bow.
In good condition, it just needs some frames.
  Born at Seligenstadt near the German city of Frankfurt, Hans Memling became a citizen of Bruges in 1465, of which he was one of the best known painters until his death in 1494. 
The Martyrdom of St Sebastian, the style and technique of which are typical of this artist, has long been attributed to him. It appears to have been painted around 1475.