American-Made Dewatering Sock - Control Sediment & Comply with Regulations

Manufactured in the USA, this 8" x 60" dewatering sock (also known as a pipe sock) is designed to effectively control sediment in various applications. With a focus on durability and compliance with NPDES and DOT regulations, this American-made sediment filter sock is suitable for use on construction sites, sump pumps, and collection ponds. With its unique design, the sock allows for clean water to pass through while effectively trapping dirt and debris. 




What is a pipe sock?

A pipe sock is a general term that can encompass many different types of products, but in relation to dewatering, it is a long, sock-shaped bag typically made from a permeable geotextile fabric that fits over the end of a pipe or hose to filter out pollutants like oils, sediments, etc.

What is a silt sock for dewatering?

Silt socks typically refer to erosion control products. They are larger versions of dewatering pipe socks, used in construction and landscaping projects to control erosion and stormwater runoff. They are filled with some sort of material, and instead of being placed around a pipe, they are placed around storm drain inlets or along slopes to capture sediment before it enters waterways.

What is the purpose of a dewatering bag?

Like dewatering pipe filter socks, dewatering bags are used to filter out pollutants from excess groundwater from an area. but are used for bigger dewatering operations. Common places or applications they are used are

What role do dewatering socks play in stormwater pollution prevention?

Dewatering socks, serve the purpose of a drainage pipe sock, which can play an important role in stormwater pollution prevention by