Serpent speeder mkl2m / Saucer
In the southern coastal area of the coastal area of the southern part of the country, it is equivalent to the hirabaru NUMA. It was before the success of the sea, and the speed was taken. It is the MKL 2m of the MK1 reshuffling production. Mkl2m is the ability to activate the front and back of the area, and the ability to activate the whole area, the large koino placenta. In the southern area of the sea, the safety of the southern area is safe.
- serent speeder mkl2m / snakeshima mkl2m / selpspeeder mkl2m * 1
Machine gun / mg09b desk / mg09b desk
Weapon stand / weapon stand * 1
"Hummingbird" mp-17 machine pistol / "bumble" mp-17 "hummingbird"