A superb original wooden plaque

for the

20th Armoured Brigade

BAOR 1950-1989


The 20th Light Armoured Brigade was formed in the UK

on September 3rd 1939 and served as a part of Home Forces,

eventually becoming a training unit providing personnel

for combat units who would go on to fight in

Normandy in 1944 and thence advance into Germany in 1945.


On April 20th 1943 the Brigade was disbanded,

however after WW-II it was reactivated on September 15th 1950

as a part of the UK’s Strategic Reserve and was despatched to

Munster to join 

BAOR (British Army of The Rhine)

under the command of 6th Armoured Division

with their Centurion Tanks…


Continuing to operate in Germany throughout the Cold War,

following the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989,

20th Armoured Brigade as amalgamated with

33rd Armoured Division and relocated to Paderborn.


An substantial &  heavy wooden shield  measuring  10" x 8" x 0.5"

dating back to the 1950s and

featuring the iconic ‘Mailed Fist’ emblem of

20th Armoured Brigade and completed with

a small brass plaque underneath.


A very impressive looking artefact and a good souvenir

of BAOR Germany in the 1950s & 1960s..!

Thanks for looking..!