WW2 Photo album U-108
DVD containing 137 high resolution scans( 1200 dpi ) much better quality than very low res listing image , produced from a rare , well captioned  and excellent quality original photo album . Album dates from Oct 1940 -sept 1942.
It belonged to a crew member ..Ob.Mech Willi Wilke , who served on  the famous  U-108 .
It seems Wilkes service matched the dates of its commander Kptlt .Klaus Scholtz ( Knights cross with oak leaves ).
U-108 was commissioned on 22 Oct .1940 ..album contains good photos where both men are pictured along with the rest of the crew at the commissioning ceremony .
There are several things that make this album so special ...
1..it is very well captioned ..nearly every crew member is identified by name and rank . Great individual photos of nearly all the crew.
2..there are many original photos of its commander U-boat ace Klaus Scholtz  ( the 18th most successful by total tonnage )  ..sinking a total of 26 ships whilst serving on U-108 . Even relaxed photos of him having a haircut and reading in his bunk .
3.. there are 10 original photos which show ships Effna and Norland under attack and sinking . A further 9 photos show survivors being given supplies and a captain of sunk ship being interrogated and then given directions to nearest land .
4.. 16 photos show the interior of the submarine ... very rare images of different parts of the sub .
5.. 4 photos of the crew named went on to command their own u-boats ..Heinz-Konrad Fenn U-139 & U-445, Paul-Karl Loeser U-30 & U-373 , Herbert Neckel U-531 , Otto Fechner U-164 ...3 of these men died in their respective U-boats .
6. there are many good photos of conning tower and deck.
  listing image has been greatly reduced the ones on the DVD are 1200dpi ..great quality images .
  Please note .Discs to not work in TV DVD players ..They work in PCs & Laptops . For those without the means to play discs I can also do wetransfer .