Set of 4 linking rings - single, pair and key
With multilingual instructions

This business is repeated a few times, every time the box being closed, TURNED OVER and more milk poured in.

Eventually the magician says, “Well, it’s a jolly good job I had a tumbler there!” and reaches inside the box and removes the tumbler filled with milk!

The box is placed to one side and the tumbler of milk is covered with a tube. Suddenly both tumbler and tube are inverted… the tube is empty, THE TUMBLER FILLED WITH HAS COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED!

The box is picked up, and again the performer seems uncertain which lid he should open for the box is turned over FOUR OR FIVE TIMES.

When the lid of the box is opened, the tumbler of milk, THE VERY SAME MILK, is removed and the milk poured back into the jug!

PLEASE NOTE: Jug NOT included with this product.

The box measures approximately 215mm (8 12″) square on the sides and 115mm (4 12″) wide.Dynamo

it like getting a square peg in a round hole, but not… This is a great trick with a large wooden die and a mallet. Now who doesn’t like wielding a mallet on stage, let’s be honest.

This is a wonderful trick credited to Arthur Setterington, and one that doesn’t seem to get old…

Extracts from the Supreme instruction papers (included):

A Supreme Exclusive Effect! Originated by Arthur Setterington

The effect is unusual. The magician shows a large wooden die. In addition to this he uses a small tray, an empty wooden cover, a round metal cylinder, and a wooden mallet.

Having shown the die, this is placed inside the cover, which is placed on the tray. On the top of everything is placed the metal cylinder. Magician takes up the mallet, taps the cylinder, and it is seen to be descending into the wooden cover with each tap of the mallet, finally disappearing completely inside the cover! It must have penetrated the die!

The performer lifts the wooden cover and shows it to be empty. Lifting the cover has revealed the cylinder standing in place of the die.

The cylindrical tube is raised to show the die… Surprise! This is now also cylindrical in shape, having conformed to the tube! A fantastic novelty idea!

The cylindrical die can immediately be lifted up and banged on the table and proved solid!

What more can we say? It’s a real hit!

To get a feel for size, the die is a 105mm cube (about 4 18″)

A bit like getting a square peg in a round hole, but not… This is a great trick with a large wooden die and a mallet. Now who doesn’t like wielding a mallet on stage, let’s be honest.

This is a wonderful trick credited to Arthur Setterington, and one that doesn’t seem to get old…

Extracts from the Supreme instruction papers (included):

A Supreme Exclusive Effect! Originated by Arthur Setterington

The effect is unusual. The magician shows a large wooden die. In addition to this he uses a small tray, an empty wooden cover, a round metal cylinder, and a wooden mallet.

Having shown the die, this is placed inside the cover, which is placed on the tray. On the top of everything is placed the metal cylinder. Magician takes up the mallet, taps the cylinder, and it is seen to be descending into the wooden cover with each tap of the mallet, finally disappearing completely inside the cover! It must have penetrated the die!

The performer lifts the wooden cover and shows it to be empty. Lifting the cover has revealed the cylinder standing in place of the die.

The cylindrical tube is raised to show the die… Surprise! This is now also cylindrical in shape, having conformed to the tube! A fantastic novelty idea!

The cylindrical die can immediately be lifted up and banged on the table and proved solid!

What more can we say? It’s a real hit!

To get a feel for size, the die is a 105mm cube (about 4 18″)