Nikon Series E Collectables! 100mm F2.8 Empty Box - 50mm E Manual + Extra's

I just purchased a 100mm F2.8 Series E lens w/ the box but I'm not the sort of collector who wants to keep it, and of course there's no way I'd just throw it out, knowing there are folks out there, who would really love to have this.

There is no lens being sold here. Only the empty box as shown in the photos. Push on rear lens cap and Styrofoam insert are included also, as shown in the photos. If you don't see it, it's not included. What you see, is what will be shipped to you.

Super cool to see this listed separately. Now's you're chance to grab it, collectors!!!!

Fun fact; The 100mm f2.8 E (the second edition w/ the chrome ring) was produced in 1981-1985
That makes this box at LEAST 39 years old! How cool is that?! Great shape for a 40 year old box, right?
Anyway, I just thought that was super cool. I know there's collectors of these vintage lenses who will really apprentice this.

I also was sent the lens manual with the 50mm E which I also don't collect. I was sent a little 52mm threaded hood with my 135mm E. I don't know what this would be for, since the 135 has a built in hood but it's 52mm thread and screw right onto any and all of the 5 E primes so you may want to toss a hood on your 100mm.

A UV filter also and it does look ok, let's just call that, something I'm tossing in for free and we'll call it in bad condition. Just so that if there's scratches on it and whatnot no one can get upset with me. I'm just including it for you in case you want it. It was going in the trash otherwise, so. It's 52mm too of course.

Anyway, there ya go E series collectors. some nice little treats here for those who collect these type of items with your lenses.
I think most people just hang onto these types of items and sell them with lenses but I don't plan of ever parting with my E's and I don't want to lose them or trash them, so.

------------ Nothing below here, is talking about anything for sale. It's just my experiences with E lenses.---------------

On a side note; to all you who have discovered these so called "economy" lenses (built better than all plastic Nikkors today lol) what hidden gems these are!
Want to hear something super cool? I originally bought a 135mm 2.8 series E by mistake. I fell in love with it's stunning charm that I had to go "correct my error" and get the "better" Nikkorr version... Well, I tested two, sold as "excellent" for more than the E cost of course, an Ai and an AIS (optically the same) next to my E and it SMOKED both copies! I sold them and kept the E!
In my experience now, I can also inform you, though the 100 is slightly inferior to the 135mm E it's not by much but it's still ABOVE the 135mm Nikkor photos I have from those tests! Yes, the 100mm E ALSO beats the 135mm 2.8 Nikkors! (other than sharpness between 2.8 - 5.6. Beats them in contrast and overall vibrancy and "3d pop" still though, even if it's softer, it's still overall much better looking. By 5.6 it will SMOKE the 135mm Nikkors, like the 135mm E will, all through it's range.)
(I haven't messed with 135mm 3.5 yet, but doubt I will. With a sharp, clean 135 2.8 what would be the point?)

When it comes to the 135's the Nikkor has 5 in 5 groups of glass, where the E houses 4 in 4 groups. For whatever reason, in this case, less is more! The 135 E produces a far more vibrant "3d pop" look where the Nikkors were "flat" and "muggy" compared, if you will.

This 100mm is right on the tail of the 135mm E. It's sharp and clean too. Sooo close. In fact, what I found is, the 135 E beats the 100mm E only at the lower apertures (by a lot too though. the 100mm is very soft wide open especially) but by F5.6 you can't tell the photos apart, other than focal length. They're a dead tie in every way of pixel peeping by 5.6 and they're both done by F16 after this, they both suffer diffraction and shouldn't ever be shot past F16. They both fall hard and fast another stop down.

The 28mm isn't horrible. I don't mind if corners are softer like some people do. That's not where you're looking anyway, but it's by no means a bad lens. the 35mm I don't have yet (I don't see why it's so pricey), the 50 is decent by today's standards, no surprise as this is a simple optic. The zooms I'm not interested in, but the 100mm and the 135mm are both gems! I'd say must haves. At LEAST the 135 E. I often test and get rid of my classic Nikkors. I'm collecting the E primes. They've got more charm. For the high quality photos, I've got modern lenses that will smoke even the 105mm 2.5 so I don't see the point in keeping them. They don't have the charm these do and I cant explain what it is about the photos either. Only the 100 and 135 make it, whatever it is.

A lot of people claim the 100 is the hidden gem of the E lineup... It's not. There's no direct Nikkor version, so it's kinda stand out and people try it and find out about it. The 135 everyone falsely assumes is inferior to the Nikkor version, so it's this one that remains hidden after all these years. I just got lucky enough to made a "mistake" by buying the E and then going ahead and running my copy against two copies to confirm....I couldn't believe the results the first time, that's why I got the AIS to run it again.
The 135 smokes the 100 wide open and f4, then it's just a tie....with further reach, so. It's the best E prime and therefore the best E lens of the 8. Everyone is right however to love the 100mm though! By 5.6 it's running dead on with my 135. Not so much as a hint inferior, but no better either. I mean it's like looking at the exact same photos. You'd just think you cropped the 135 down a bit is all.

Shhhhh....we wont tell anyone. Don't worry, they're not looking at "low budget" E grade stuff anyway. ;)