10- Indian Almond Leaves, Catappa, Dried (8cm*11cm) for Fish Betta fish

Indian Almond Leaves for Fish

Advantages of Almond Leaf in Aquarium:

·Water Conditioning

·Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

·Stress Reduction

·Aids in Breeding

·Natural Food Source

Indian Almond Leaves, also known as Terminalia catappa leaves or tropical almond leaves, are commonly used in various situations, particularly in aquariums and for medicinal purposes. Here are some examples

1.Aquarium Water Conditioning: Indian Almond Leaves are often used in aquariums to condition the water. When added to the aquarium, these leaves release tannins and other beneficial compounds that can mimic the natural habitat of fish, particularly in blackwater biotopes. This helps in creating an environment that is conducive to the well-being of fish, especially species that originate from tannin-rich waters like many Amazonian and Southeast Asian fish species.

2.Promoting Fish Health: The tannins and other compounds released by Indian Almond Leaves have natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. This can help prevent diseases and promote the overall health of aquarium fish. Additionally, the leaves are believed to have anti-parasitic properties, which can help in controlling parasites in the aquarium.

3.Breeding and Spawning: Indian Almond Leaves are often used by aquarium hobbyists to stimulate breeding and spawning in certain fish species. The presence of the leaves in the water can simulate the natural environment of the fish, triggering breeding behaviors. Additionally, the antimicrobial properties of the leaves can help protect the eggs and fry from fungal and bacterial infections.

4.Stress Reduction: The natural compounds released by Indian Almond Leaves have a calming effect on fish, helping to reduce stress levels. This can be particularly beneficial when introducing new fish to the aquarium, during transportation, or after other stressful events.

5.Shrimp Keeping: Indian Almond Leaves are commonly used in freshwater shrimp tanks, such as those housing species like cherry shrimp or crystal shrimp. The leaves provide a source of biofilm, which is a natural food source for shrimp. They also create hiding spots and help maintain water quality.



1.All Aquariums – 2 leaves per 20 liters of water

2.Betta Fish Breeding – 3 leaves per 15 liters of water

3.Fry/Baby Fish Rearing – 2 leaves per 40 liters of water

  • Made in Sri Lanka.
  • 8cm-11cm