White millet seed White millet is wholesome and easily digested treat for your birds. It will attract a variety of colourful guests to your garden including buntings, finches, sparrows, robins, doves and many more. It is a tiny round seed with a hard outer shell. Millet is difficult for many birds to eat, but Sparrows are one of the few species of wild birds able to roll the seed over their tongue to break the shell. Because millet is a small seed, it can easily be fed in a range of different types of bird feeders. Standard seed feeder are suitable for feeding millet to large flocks of sparrows, buntings or finches. Ground-feeding birds such as doves, quail, and pheasants may prefer millet scattered directly on the ground or in low dishes. White Millet is a valuable source of vitamim B, carbohydrate, oil and protein. Especially attractive to the smaller members of the finch family. White Millet is a major ingredient in many cage and aviary bird diets and seed mixes; however, it can also be offered to birds just by itself. It's widely used by bird-keepers as it forms the staple part of many small seed-eating cage and aviary birds because they can easily de-husk the outer. Should be used in small amounts alongside or added to our other mixtures, and plain seeds. Always ensure water is available Price includes Next Day Delivery