
This is a beautiful set of authentic African trade bead necklaces that I picked up while living in San Francisco in the ‘70s. Truth be told, I never imagined that I would part with this long loved set, but at 80 years old, the necklaces are just too heavy for me. Where that “tug” on the back of the neck once felt nice and comfortable - now - not so much… my hope is that wherever this long loved set goes off to, it will once again be given the time in the light that it so deserves (: 


I purchased all three of these - heavy - bronze/brass necklaces while living in San Francisco in the early ‘70s. At the time, there was a - stunning - African cultural arts and jewelry boutique in the downtown area. It was, a guess you could say, somewhat of a “gallery,” as many pieces displayed were not available for purchase. It is at this boutique that I purchased the stunning “Tribal Chieftain’s” chair made in Malawi (this chair is can be seen in my active listings) as well as several African masks made from varying types of wood (and hand painted). On one particular trip with my wife, I was taken aback by a deep yellow glow emitting from a glass display case. The boutique owner (a man in his then 70s) explained that the necklaces were composed of African “trade beads,” having been put together in Benin, Africa. The necklaces were sold as antique when I purchased. 

The Set Itself: 

Bronze Trade Bead Necklaces (short and long) 

Two of the necklaces are composed of heavy bronze beads, while one (the most elaborate) is composed of beautifully detailed heavy brass stations - cylindrical in nature and interspaced with rounded red balls. 

On the two necklaces composed of bronze beads, I’ve always found the natural oxidization of the bronze to be quite extraordinary. In all of the years that I have owned these necklaces, I’ve never polished them. Of course, if you desire the bronze beads on these necklaces could be made to radiantly gleam - but I myself would never elect to polish. You’d lose the character of these awesome African antique ensembles. The two necklaces of bronze beads make for the - perfect - pair, as the beads on the two necklaces are of different sizes. Note, too, that one chair is very long - while the other is shorter. Composed entirely of solid brass, both of these necklaces are quite weighty! The shorter bronze bead necklace (with the larger beads) weighs 4.6 OUNCES! (or 130 GRAMS!!!) The longer bronze bead necklace (with the smaller beads) weighs 1.3 OUNCES, or 36 grams. The shorter bronze bead necklace (with the larger beads) measures 27 inches long, while the longer bronze bead necklace (with the smaller beads) measures 30 inches long. 

The Bronze Trade Bead Cylindrical Station Necklace

This is truly an extraordinary piece, weighing in at 9.3 OUNCES, or 263 GRAMS!!!! This - is why I just can’t wear these necklaces anymore… far to heavy for this old man these days. The necklace is composed of 16 HEAVY, hand forged solid bronze “trade bead” stations. Take a moment and truly take some time observing the exquisite detail present in each one of the cylindrical stations. These beautiful patterns and varying textures were done by that of human hands alone… no “heavy machinery” assistance. If I’m being honest, I don’t think I could even - draw - with pen and paper - the patterns present in the THICK aged bronze trading bead stations. Adding to the depth and character of this antique Benin necklace, the contrast between that of the warm yellow bronze, and the orange/red round beads. Simply stunning (: 

All of these necklaces are roped cord. The irony? Well… I’ve had sterling silver chains break… steel chains break… gold chains break…. the necklaces? Strong as - EVER. Again, this is the original rope cord used by the Benin artisans when they made these necklaces. I’ve never had the need to re-string (: 

This necklace measures 31 inches in length! 

Parting Notes: 

Overall, this set of authentic antique Benin trade bead necklaces is something you will NOT find elsewhere…. a beautiful example of the skill and imagination possessed by the Benin artisans who made them. It will be a sad day when these necklaces leave my care, yet - I take solace in knowing that longgg after I am gone, these necklaces will continue on. 

~if you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photographs, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. Will ship overseas, but not responsible for any customs fees that might be incurred.