Nutritional Powerhouse for Birds

Pinhead oats for birds Pinhead oats are chopped naked oats, and appear in many people's breakfast cereal! They are oil rich and soft billed, ground feeders love them! Ideal for spring and summer feeding to help busy bird parents through the energy sapping moult.

Pinhead oats bird food provides a multitude of benefits for bird enthusiasts in the UK. With its highly nutritious composition, consisting of essential carbohydrates and protein, it serves as an excellent source of energy for our feathered friends. This is particularly important during the colder months when birds require additional nourishment to stay warm. The small and easily digestible size of pinhead oats ensures that it is suitable for a wide variety of bird species, allowing them to acquire the nutrients they need to thrive. Furthermore, the fine texture of this bird food makes it effortless for birds to consume, guaranteeing that they receive the necessary nourishment for their well-being.


When it comes to bird species, pinhead oats bird food can be beneficial for a wide range of birds. Some common bird species that are known to enjoy pinhead oats include:
Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Greenfinches, House Sparrows, Dunnocks, Robins, Blackbirds
These are just a few examples, as many other bird species also enjoy pinhead oats as part of their diet. Providing pinhead oats bird food can attract a diverse range of bird species to your garden or bird feeding area, allowing you to observe and appreciate the beauty of different birds.


Store in a cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight


This product is not suitable for human consumption.

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