This beautiful clock was manufactured by the Ansonia Clock Company in New York around 1900. The case is Royal Bonn and was made in Germany. Ansonia imported German clock cases and added their movements to sell to the public. The open escapement movement in in excellent running condition, stamped by the manufacturer, and is very clean. The dial is in perfect condition and is very striking. The case is colorful with some wear to the gold accents from over 120 years of use. The only flaw would be a small repair to the left spire (turret). At some point in the past it was broken off and reattached. It is only visible upon close inspection. The clock comes with a pendulum but no key. It is also missing the rear dust cover. Thanks for looking.

On Apr-23-24 at 18:43:20 PDT, seller added the following information:

Update: The red Royal Bonn logo is stamped inside the back of the case just below the opening.