Coconut Husk Fiber Coir - Growing Media



  • Coco husk is an organic material derived from the fibrous hulls of coconuts. Because it is highly porous, it can be used in both hydroponic gardening systems and soil-based gardens to improve drainage and air circulation. 
  • Utilizing this material has become increasingly popular in horticulture, as it can provide several beneficial advantages for our Hoyas, as well as other house plants.


Coco husk offers you a lot more control over your plant's environment in many ways:

  • Absorbent - One of the most notable advantages of coco husk is its ability to help retain moisture. This material absorbs water and becomes hydrated when exposed to it, which helps keep the roots of your plants moist, not soaking wet.
  • Improved Drainage and Aeration - Coco husk's high porosity helps prevent standing water and root rot, both of which can be detrimental to your plants. It also allows more oxygen to reach the plant’s roots, promoting healthy growth.
  • Low Nutrient Content - Unlike traditional soil, coconut husk and coir reduce the chances of over-fertilizing your plants and causing any toxic buildup.

>>This coconut husk fiber coir are an excellent alternative to fir bark because they retain  water longer than most bark. They have a life expectancy of 3-5 years while bark last for only 1-2 years. They are 100%natural and can provide better drainage and aeration essentials for all varieties of orchids.


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