Akshit 150 Organic Lemongrass Tea Bags, Pure Lemongrass Tea,  100% Natural Lemongrass leaves, Lemongrass Herbal Tea, Lemongrass Leaf Tea, Hierba Luisa Tea, Te de Hierba de Limon-All Natural Diabetic Tea, USDA Certified, Caffeine Free

Why Choose Lemongrass Tea?

 Brew a cup of Lemongrass tea at your convenience, let the calming essence soothe your body and mind. Inhale the aromatic vapor of organic lemongrass tea (hierba Luisa tea) for an added sense of relief. Refresh and relax your mind with a sip of our iced or hot cup of lemongrass tea bags, Making it a perfect sleep time tea. 

Health Benefits; Organic Lemongrass Tea contains vitamins A, vitamins B and C the mineral compounds iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and copper, giving it incredible antimicrobial capabilities in addition to its lemon aroma and flavor.

About Our Premium Organic Lemongrass Tea Bags:


Premium Quality: Lemongrass is Sourced from sustainable organic farms in Uganda, the lemongrass leaves are handpicked, sun-dried, and packed with love to ensure quality.

Natural and Certified: Made from organic dried lemongrass leaves, lemongrass tea bags are USDA-certified organic, caffeine-free, and non-GMO with no preservatives or additives.


 Calm Sleep: Known for its relaxing properties, Organic lemongrass tea is your companion for relaxation and stress relief, making it ideal for a calming bedtime routine.

Caffeine-Free Bliss: Enjoy the tranquility of lemongrass tea organic without the caffeine buzz—a soothing choice for any time of day.


Versatile Refreshment: Whether hot or over ice, our Lemongrass Herbal Tea  is a versatile companion. Embrace its warmth on chilly days or revel in the cooling sensation during warmer moments.


 Your Daily Retreat: Make Lemongrass Tea Bag your daily retreat—a pause in your bustling day to savor simplicity and indulge in the citrusy elegance that nature provides.


Citrus Symphony: The first sip of Lemongrass Tea is a celebration of brightness with zesty notes dancing on your taste buds. A vibrant and uplifting melody refreshes your palate.


Calming Aromatics: Let the soothing aromatics of lemongrass tea envelop you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and be transported to a serene oasis.


Health Benefits of Lemongrass Tea:


Lowers blood pressure; Lemongrass tea helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels due to its ability to dilate blood vessels, improve circulation, and reduce hypertension by lowering blood pressure.

Improved skin and hair health; Organic Lemongrass tea has been shown to improve skin and hair health due to its high antioxidant content. The antioxidants present in lemongrass tea help to fight free radicals, preventing premature ageing and promoting healthier, glowing skin.

 Reduced stress and anxiety; The aroma and taste of lemongrass tea bags organic have a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce stress and anxiety,  also promotes better sleep and relaxation. Drinking lemongrass herbal tea can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing tension in your muscles

 Oral Health: Lemongrass Tea antimicrobial properties found in lemongrass assist in treating oral infections and cavities.


Digestive Aid: Lemongrass supports digestion, providing relief after meals.


 Diuretic Effect: Lemongrass Tea acts as a natural diuretic, promoting the elimination of excess fluid and sodium.


 Relaxation and Sleep: Lemongrass tea is Known for its calming effect; lemongrass tea may aid in relaxation and promote restful sleep.


Weight Management: As a diuretic, organic lemongrass tea may contribute to weight loss by eliminating excess fluid.


Serving Suggestions for Lemongrass Tea:


Classic Hot Infusion: Steep a lemongrass tea bag in hot water for 4-6 minutes. Add honey or a slice of lemon for sweetness.


 Iced Lemongrass Refresher: Brew lemongrass tea, let it cool, and pour over ice. Garnish with mint leaves for a refreshing twist.


Lemongrass Ginger Elixir: Combine lemongrass tea with freshly grated ginger for a soothing blend. Sweeten with honey if desired.


Lemongrass Citrus Splash: Infuse lemongrass tea bag organic with citrus slices for a zesty flavor. Serve over ice.


Lemongrass Green Tea Fusion: Blend lemon grass tea with green tea for a double dose of antioxidants. Add honey for sweetness.


Lemongrass Herbal Mocktail: Mix organic lemongrass tea bag with sparkling water, pineapple juice, and a mint sprig for a non-alcoholic herbal mocktail.


Lemongrass Coconut Cooler: Brew lemongrass herbal tea, let it cool, and mix with coconut water for a hydrating tropical beverage.


Lemongrass and Chamomile Relaxer: Combine organic lemongrass tea with chamomile for a calming blend. Enjoy before bedtime.


Lemongrass Iced Tea Lemonade: Mix lemongrass tea with freshly squeezed lemonade for a delightful summer drink.


Lemongrass Infused Smoothie: Brew lemongrass tea organic, let it cool, and use it as a base for a refreshing smoothie with mango and pineapple.


How to Make Lemongrass Tea:


1. Add 1 lemongrass tea bag to a small teacup or 2 tea bags to a regular teacup.


2. Steep for 1-2 minutes.


3. Gently squeeze out herbal goodness from the organic lemongrass tea bags.


4. Enjoy as a hot cup of lemongrass tea or iced for a healthy beverage.




We prioritize health alongside taste. If our product doesn't meet your expectations, we offer a full refund within 10 days of purchase. Your satisfaction is our commitment.

 Disclaimer: The herbal teas we offer are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. These teas are designed to provide natural, plant-based ingredients that may support overall wellness, but they are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before consuming, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions, are pregnant/nursing, or take medications.