Sammelbestellungen sind natürlich möglich. Bitte beachten Sie das Rabattangebot. Beim Kauf von mindestens zwei PARKING-ONLY Schilder Ihrer Wahl bekommen Sie 10% Rabatt. Bitte sehen Sie sich noch weitere tolle Schilder in meinen Shop an

Bulk orders are of course possible. To save shipping costs, please have a look at other models from BuB.

International Buyers are more then welcome ! We basically ship in every corner of the world. Please ask for shipping costs if not mentioned. Please use below Checklist:


-please use online translators to check upper item describtion. All conditions are described there.

-Please make sure you understand the translated describtion, if not do not hesitate to ask. We love to answer questions.

-Prior buying check your countries shipping status in terms of shipping price and Corona restrictions.

-If you are interested in multiple Items, please let us know before to check shipping costs. We will always ship multiple items for the cheapest available faire by DHL, but always insured only.

- If all conditions are met ......Happy shopping