Author: Marguerite Porete. Edited by: Romana Guarnieri.

Title: The wonder of simple souls and here finally dies of desire and desire for love

Publisher: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura Roma

Edition: 1st. Edition 1961 - Limited edition n. 58/100

Pages: 116

Distinctive traits: Soft cover with some usage signs, with some little rips on the edges and partially detached (around 15 cm.) from the spine; quarter page and last 20 pages slightly detached from the spine on the lower part; limited edition with signed pen autograph and dedication by the Curator; text in very good overall conditions, without writings or underlinings.
The text is in the original "langue d'oil" language.
Author: Marguerite Porete. Edited by: Romana Guarnieri. Title: The wonder of simple souls and here finally dies of desire and desire for love Publisher: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura Roma Edition: 1st. Edition 1961 - Limited edition n. 58/100 Pages: 116 Distinctive traits: Soft cover with some usage signs, with some little rips on the edges and partially detached (around 15 cm.) from the spine; quarter page and last 20 pages slightly detached from the spine on the lower part; limited edition with signed pen autograph and dedication by the Curator; text in very good overall conditions, without writings or underlinings. The text is in the original "langue d'oil" language.