Say Jesus and Come to Me by Ann Allen Shockley ; Trade Paperback ; Copyright 1982 ; This edition ,1987 

From the back cover:

Evangelist Myrtle Black, as regal and proud as a reincarnated African queen, holds powerful sway over her following -- a following which does not suspect she is a lesbian.

In Nashville to preach at a revival, Myrtle becomes enraged at the murder of two black prostitutes and, ignoring peril to herself, galvanizes women of all races and backgrounds in a march for equality.

She also meets Travis Lee, a successful singer who has arrived in town for a recordinq session accompanied by her high-living retinue and a philandering male companion. Travis's lifestyle of parties and booze and drugs changes drastically as she falls in love with the charismatic Myrtle.

To love each other is the ultimate jeopardy ... Travis's career is at risk, and Myrtle must finally come to terms with the contradictions between her religious ministry and her lesbian identity ...