"Octagon Lilith Ring" refer to a ring inspired by or associated with the mythological figure Lilith. Lilith is often depicted as a figure in various mythologies, folklore, and religious traditions. In some interpretations, she's considered a symbol of independence, rebellion, or the darker aspects of femininity. I designed and produced this unique piece for her. 

Stone : Onyx (Can work with different stones for you; please contact)
Material: Sterling Silver 925k
Plated: Rodium Plated
Weight: 17.00gr (in silver)

Available to make any karat of gold. (Please contact if you interest)

Possible to make different pattern and sigils around the stone with additional  costs. Please contact if you interesting design customization.

Please make sure you have correct measurements from the size cart.

Some of stones has unique natural patterns inside of them. And they will probably has different colour tones and different patterns than the sample pictures at the listing. This case caused they are natural stones and can not made by %100 same patterns with the listing pictures..