Here I offer a DVD containing 60 high resolution scans (  1200 dpi ) , produced from an original WW1 photo album .

Album belonged to John Hermanson who served with 104 Aero Squadron , part of the American Expeditionary Forces . An air service of  United States Army unit that fought on the Western front during WW1 . An Observation squadron which provided tactical reconnaissance / battlefield intelligence . The squadron also engaged the enemy in aerial combat , attacked machine-gun nests , dropped propaganda leaflets over German lines and thousands of newspapers to American soldiers . The squadron was formed in Aug 1917 and returned to the States June 1919 .

On the disc there are 15 photos which feature planes , 12 aerial photos ...taken over  destruction at Verdun , Montfaucon , Reims , Remenauville , Cheminot  , Recicourt , and other locations ..these are good quality images and details can be zoomed in on , half taken over the trenches at high altitude .

At least 2 photos show the airfield buildings at Recicourt .

The bulk of the remaining photos show men in uniform / posed group photos .

These discs no longer plane in TV DVD players . They work in Pc's & laptops . If you do not have the means to play discs , I can offer wetransfer .