This is a lot of 6 Purex Fels-Naptha laundry bar and stain remover, each weighing 5.0 ounces. The product is new and sealed in packages. The bar is suitable for both handwashing and washing machines and is designed to remove tough stains from fabric. It features an easy grip design and is manufactured by Summit Brands-Henkel-Dial Corp. The product is a bundle and is made in the United States.

(6X) La barra para lavandería y quitamanchas Fels-Naptha es una barra de 5 oz adecuada para lavarse las manos o usarse en lavadoras. Está diseñado para quitar manchas de la tela y viene con una función de fácil agarre. El producto tiene la marca Zout Fels-Naptha y se vende en una sola barra.