ReimaGO® is a new way of adding more fun to kids’ outdoor activities. By using the ReimaGO application, you and your kids will be able to see how the energy of movement accumulates in the ReimaGO sensor, and your children can have fun using it in the app’s playful scoreboard.

The system consists of an activity sensor that measures both the duration and the intensity of the physical activity of the child, and an app that portrays these measurements as graphs for adults. The physical activity is converted into energy that kids can use while playing in the App. Finally, there is a set of Reima clothes with a dedicated pocket for carrying the activity sensor.

ReimaGO has been developed in collaboration with Suunto.


World Health organization recommends at least 1 hour of active movement per day for kids. Do you know if your kid gets enough physical exercise? ReimaGO® is a fun new way to motivate kids to move and play outdoors. It is an activity sensor based on Suunto's Movesense® technology, which measures a kid's physical activity during the day.

Kids' scores can be recorded through an inspiring application that works on a smart phone or table, easy for the whole family to use. In the parent's side of the app, rewards can be set for kids being active. Kids' activity scores are transformed into energy for a virtual character, and in their game-like app kids get to travel to new worlds and discover the rewards. The sensor is operated using the free ReimaGO® app on iPhone or iPad, to which it connects via Bluetooth® Smart.

Technical details