Hogan's Heroes: The Collector's Edition - The Great Deceptions


1 Hour 28 Minutes


Columbia House


1995 Release


Black Libray Case packaging

Contains 4 Episodes:

Season 2 Episode 10 "A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 1"

Directed by Bob Sweeney

Air Date November 18, 1966

Klink informs the prisoners that he will be taking a weeks leave in Paris. Schultz will be going with him. Hogan gets a tip that the Germans are building a secret underground fighter base near the camp. Tiger (Arlene Martel), a female underground agent, is coming to help the men find the base. Hogan finds out that Tiger has been captured by the Gestapo. She knows all about the underground operation including Stalag 13. It's just a matter of time before the Gestapo extract the information from her. Hogan and LeBeau become stowaways aboard Klink's staff car and head for Paris to free her. Hogan, using the name Frank Dirken, makes contact with Colonel Backscheider (John Dehner) from the Gestapo. Hogan tells Backscheider that he's in the black market and the two could make a lot of money. He learns that Backscheider has a fascination with astrology. Hogan is allowed to speak with Tiger and she tells him to make contact with Marya, a White Russian spy posing as an astrologist. George N. Neise as Captain Mueller

Season 2 Episode 11 "A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 2"

Directed by Bob Sweeney

Air Date November 25, 1966

Marya is willing to help Hogan free Tiger, but her price is the location of the secret fighter bases in Germany. Also, she told Backscheider that she predicts an important man is coming to see him. Hogan calls Kinchloe and asks the men to find the bases. But, Kinchloe tells Hogan with Klink and Schultz gone, the camp is on a lock down. Hogan gets Backscheider to believe that the important man is Heinrich Himmler. Backscheider wonders what he's done that Himmler would want to see him, so he consults Marya. Schultz tells Hogan that Klink has been arrested by the Gestapo. Hogan asks Marya is she can find a look-alike for Himmler. Marya brings in Antonovich (Henry Corden) to pose as Himmler. With Antonovich's help, Hogan is able to free Tiger and Klink and get the maps to the fighter bases.

Season 3 Episode 21 "War Takes a Holiday"

Directed by Bruce Bilson

Air Date January 27, 1968

Maj. Hochstetter brings several captured Underground leaders to Stalag 13 and wants maximum security until they are sent to Berlin. A Red Cross inspector is due at the camp soon. Hogan hopes to get into the building where the leaders are being kept under the guise of fixing it up for the inspector. Hochstetter comes by and catches the leaders trying to be smuggled out hiding in mattresses. Hogan then comes up with an elaborate plan to get Klink and Hochstetter to believe the war is over. Hogan convinces Hochstetter to release the Underground prisoners and even give them his car. After the leaders drive off, Inspector General Busse (Frank Marth) arrives at camp. Busse tells them that the war is not over and Hochstetter is in trouble.

Season 3 Episode 24 "What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?"

Directed by Marc Daniels

Air Date February 17, 1968

Christopher Downes, a British spy, arrives at Stalag 13 just as Hogan learns that the Gestapo are around the camp looking for him. He has several secret maps and documents that need to get to London soon. Hogan's first plan to get Downes out of camp in Klink's car falls through. Maj. Hochstetter tells Klink anyone leaving the camp will be shot. The team isn't sure what kite flying, basket weaving and tent building have to do with planning an escape, but they're pretty sure Hogan has finally gone crazy. Hogan explains that those projects will all be used to get Downes out of camp in a balloon. Because Hochstetter is getting suspicious, Downes will have to leave that night. The men create a diversion and Downes is sent off with the balloon.