Hello Dear Ebayer - do I have a super fun cool collectible bundle for YOU!  In a word, well...YES I do!  

Up for your bidding pleasure is an historic achievement of sorts - the super cheesy B-movie shlock-ter-piece that is NIGHT TRAP! And it's on the Nintendo Switch!!  Let me explain the significance of that statement, pulling from a Polygram article...

"In 1993, at the height of the video game violence scare, Nintendo testified before the U.S. Senate on the matter of violence and sexual content in games. Two games, Midway’s Mortal Kombat and Digital Pictures’ Night Trap, were at the center of those hearings.

While the games’ so-called offensive content could be considered positively quaint today, at the time — prior to self-imposed content ratings from the Entertainment Software Rating Board — parents and politicians expressed grave concerns over kids getting their hands on games with blood and sexual content.

Howard Lincoln, chairman of Nintendo of America, told Senators Joseph Lieberman and Herbert Kohl that one of those games, Night Trap, would never appear on a Nintendo game system. The other, Mortal Kombat, was toned down to remove blood and gory fatalities at Nintendo’s demand before it could appear on the Super NES."

Fast forward to modern day and here we are - Night Trap on a Nintendo system!  A certified victory for non-censorship!  Huzzah!!

Ok, back to the unique lot on hand that I'm offering to you.  When you place that winning bid you will be receiving ALL of the following: 

This is it, folks - you will not likely see another offering for Night Trap as comprehensive as this one.  This is the real deal.  Not only will you score a choice lot of collectibles, but you'll be helping me out by making some room in the mancave (and providing some cashflow to acquire MORE collectibles naturally - the circle of life for a collector).  I'd call that a Win-Win.  So come at me with your bids and hopefully YOU can take home this prize lot!  

Thanks for looking! Please note that I am adding a $10 fee to shipping to cover additional insurance coverage. This is a big ticket item, just want to make sure we're both covered. Please take care when opening your package to uncover your treasures.  I will have some items (e.g. the cards, pin, and LP) sandwiched with protective cardboard - so be sure that you don't throw them out!! Please let me know if you have any questions.  Good luck!