Тhe highest quality kraft paper is indistinguishable from the original
The A3 format is 42 x 30 cm.
Inches 11.7-16.5
This poster has long been a classic of graphic design. It is extremely simple - an astronaut in the sky, below him churches, temples and even a mosque. And in the center is a convincing conclusion brought from the sky: "There is no God!" And in this simplicity the poster is simply marvelous.
In fact, the idea of exposing the existence of God in the sky with the help of people who had been there - in the sky - Soviet anti-religious propaganda was used long before Gagarin's flight. Even before the war, the magazine "Bezbozhnik" published an interview with the famous pilot Chkalov, who assured readers that there was no god up there, above the clouds. So the poster with Gagarin is just a continuation of the same line that Soviet propagandists used outside the USSR. The second Soviet cosmonaut German Titov, speaking at the Seattle World's Fair during his visit to the United States in 1962, told devout Americans that he had seen no god in the sky.