We have thousands of rugs in stock and more are being added daily, have a look at our other items and grab yourself a bargain!

Buy in Confidence! We are experienced sellers with excellent feedback.



Every used rug listed has been professionally washed & turnouts reproofed with NIKWAX products by         


Horse Rug Laundry 

Nationwide Equine Laundry Service

Every used rug we have for sale has been washed to rug manufacturers recommendations at a maximum of 30 degrees with Nikwax Rug wash. Every Turnout rug has been treated with Nikwax Reproof.

Some rugs will come up cleaner than others, dependant on the age, material & brand etc. Bear in mind that these are Pre Owned horse rugs. We cannot be held responsible if ingrained mud, staining or hair is still visible after washing as we do not boil wash rugs or use harsh rug damaging chemicals

Each rug has been checked for damage. Most will have needed repairs carried out by Horse Rug Laundry and/or other companies.

As we aim to supply the Equine Community with quality, affordable used rugs. In order to keep our running costs and rug prices down we are unable to specify for every rug: every patch, discolouration, rusty buckle and any other issues associated with a second hand used rug.

Please check pictures to satisfy yourself on the condition of each rug.

Further details always available by request, so feel free to message us!

* Leg straps and fillet strings are not included with each rug. They are available to purchase separately* 


First rug purchased £8.00 P&P

£4.00 P&P for each additional eligible item you buy from Preowned Horse Rugs when you use the basket for purchases.