Inter World TV Films stock certificate
Issued and cancelled
Distributed movies and shows for TV

Owned foreign residual property and distribution rights to over 2500 programs.

Inter World TV Films Company was a film production company founded in 195. The company was headquartered in New York City and produced a variety of films for television, including dramas, comedies, and documentaries.

Inter World TV Films Company was one of the first independent film production companies to produce films for television. The company's early films were often experimental and innovative, and they helped to establish the format for television drama.

In the 1960s, Inter World TV Films Company produced a number of popular television series.

In the 1970s, Inter World TV Films Company began to produce fewer films. The company eventually went out of business in the early 1980s.

Inter World TV Films Company was a pioneer in the field of television production. The company produced a number of popular and critically acclaimed films and television series. The company's work helped to shape the format for television drama and helped to establish the independent film production company as a viable business model.

~ Source: Google - Bard