Explain Pain 
David Butler, Lorimer Moseley 
Art by Sunyata 
Second Edition 
(Spiral Bound Paperback 2014)

David Butler and Lorimer Moseley's "Explain Pain" is an enlightening and transformative guide that demystifies the complex nature of pain, making it accessible and understandable to both healthcare professionals and patients alike. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to comprehend the intricate workings of pain and to explore effective strategies for managing it.

Butler and Moseley, both highly respected figures in the field of pain science, combine their expertise to present a comprehensive overview of pain. The book begins by debunking common myths and misconceptions about pain, providing a solid foundation of knowledge. The authors emphasise that pain is not merely a direct result of physical injury but a complex experience influenced by a myriad of factors, including emotions, thoughts, and environment.

One of the standout features of "Explain Pain" is its clear and engaging writing style. The authors use straightforward language and avoid medical jargon, making the content accessible to a wide audience. They employ analogies, metaphors, and everyday examples to explain complex concepts, which greatly aids in understanding. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients, empowering them with knowledge that can alleviate fear and anxiety associated with chronic pain.

The book is richly illustrated with diagrams, cartoons, and visual aids that complement the text and enhance comprehension. These illustrations are not only informative but also add a touch of humor, making the reading experience enjoyable. The visuals effectively break down intricate processes, such as the nervous system's role in pain perception, into easily digestible pieces.

Butler and Moseley delve into the science of pain with thoroughness and clarity. They explain how the brain processes pain signals and the various factors that can amplify or diminish the perception of pain. The discussion on neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to change in response to pain is particularly fascinating and offers hope to those suffering from chronic pain conditions.

"Explain Pain" is not just about understanding pain; it also provides practical strategies for managing it. The authors outline evidence-based approaches to pain management, including graded exposure, cognitive behavioural techniques, and the importance of movement and exercise. They advocate for a holistic approach, emphasising the role of education, mindset, and lifestyle changes in pain recovery.

One of the most empowering aspects of the book is its focus on the patient's active role in their own pain management. Butler and Moseley encourage readers to become informed and proactive participants in their treatment, fostering a sense of control and agency. This patient-centred approach is a refreshing departure from traditional models that often place the patient in a passive role.

In conclusion, "Explain Pain" by David Butler and Lorimer Moseley is an outstanding resource that bridges the gap between complex pain science and practical pain management. Its clear, engaging, and informative content makes it invaluable for both healthcare professionals and patients. By illuminating the multifaceted nature of pain and providing actionable strategies for managing it, this book offers hope and empowerment to those navigating the challenges of chronic pain. Whether you are a practitioner seeking to enhance your understanding of pain or a patient looking for effective ways to manage your condition, "Explain Pain" is an essential addition to your library.