
I'm selling coaching lessons in Valorant from every rank up to Radiant.

Coaching is in English or French.

First and foremost I have been playing FPS games since I was 8 years old, from Unreal Tournament 99 to CS 1.6 to CSGO then Valorant since launch.

I reached Radiant multiple times, and I tried two challenge on a fresh account :

from low rank (new mmr) to the max rank I can reach within 70 games on two acts :

EP3 A1:

Silver - Immortal 3 in 16 days only 76 matches: 180 damage per round, 1.53 KD, 63% Winrate
67%WR on Jett 34 matches
58% WR on Reyna 31 matches
940/1000 Tracker Score

Keep in mind, that next Act, was against High Immortal straight up since it had already Immortal MMR and against ex-Radiant at that rank because I played straight up day 1 when the rank has reset

EP6A3 :

Immortal 1 - Immortal 3 300RR in 21 days only
170 damage per round, 1.24 KD, 55% Winrate 103 matches
67%WR on Jett 58 matches
865/1000 Tracker Score

If I had played more on these two acts, I could have reached Radiant, but at that time I didn't have enough time anymore to play intensively.

I have a lot of experience to teach you how to play properly the game and we will focus mostly :

-Aim : crosshair placement when you move, how you do you aim when you see your enemy + how do you peek enemies, how to shoot (spray,tapping)

-Macro game : In the round, what you should do, how to take neutral zone alone and as a team, how to rush in a spike site, how to play post plant, clutches, retakes

-Micro game : How to be impactful individually with your peaks, movement, space-taking, how to move as a player and take information from the mini-map, check ultimate status from your team and enemy, how to communicate to win more games.

role do you fill in your team : How to play your agent to most efficient as possible, (as myself a duelist most of the time, but I can play every role in the game properly)
We will work on each aspect if you take lessons.

I assure you, you will climb higher ranks, yet, the most important thing is, you will see you will be a better player overall 100% after taking lessons and working hard for it and you will feel truly satisfied.

Coaching first hour :

-I will ask what you want to work on, what you are good at and bad at.

-Your goals in the long run.

then hop in a ranked game and I will watch and note all the things you did good and all the things you need to work on.

Then, I will talk a lot, hop in a custom game with you and teach all the things I saw you need to work and so on.
Moreover, if you need more lessons, what you should work for next lessons and for your goal.

Each hour cost 30€, if you take more lessons afterwards, I can reduce the price.

Feel free to hit me a DM here we will talk t here, if you have any question or if you want more information.