Pour toute question, me contacter, je réponds rapidement.

Vous recevez : 1 paire d'adaptateurs (bobine débitrice) + bobine réceptrice + cadre photo panoramique pour RB67/RZ67 (24x63 mmxmm) à placer entre le viseur. Pas de film inclus dans cette offre.

  • High quality 3D printed Kit of adapters that allow to use 35 mm film in Mamiya RB67/RZ67. 
  • The cutout frame in the mask to be placed in the RB/R767 waist level finder is (24x63 mmxmm)
  • ideal to produce panoramic photos, or to expose the emulsion holes to obtain a certain effect or to expand your medium format camera capabilities (to use emulsion sensitivity not available in 120 format for example).
  • colour : Black
  • Premium quality filament made in the Netherlands is used.
For any question, drop me a message, I answer quickly.

no film is included in this listing.