Beaver Oils Stock Certificate
Dated 1916 
Huge animal vignette of a beaver chewing on a log
Calgary Alberta Canada

Beaver Oils Limited, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, appears to be a defunct company from the early 20th century. Here's what we can glean from historical sources:

  • Incorporation and Stock Issuance: The company incorporated and issued shares sometime around 1914.
  • Defunct Status: According to the 1948 Financial Post Survey of Oils, Beaver Oils Limited was listed as "wound up, charter surrendered, stated to be dead." This suggests the company ceased operations by 1948.
  • No Successor: There's no evidence of a successor company taking the same name.
The company was an early player in Alberta's oil industry, using the beaver image for branding.

Alberta has a rich history in oil and gas exploration and production. The discovery of oil in Turner Valley in 1914 marked the beginning of Alberta's oil boom. Companies like Imperial Oil and Shell Canada began operations in the province, and by the 1940s and 1950s, the industry was rapidly expanding.

During this time, numerous smaller companies also emerged, often focusing on specific regions or types of extraction. Beaver Oils Limited may have been one such company, although it might not have been as prominent as some of the larger players.

In the late 20th century, with advancements in drilling technology, Alberta's oil sands became increasingly important. Large companies like Suncor Energy and Syncrude Canada invested heavily in extracting oil from these sands.

Throughout this period, many smaller companies continued to operate, some specializing in services such as exploration, drilling, or refining, while others focused on specific oil and gas fields.

Beaver Oils Limited was involved in exploration, drilling, and production of oil.