Sometimes, we acquire or give away a jewel because of its design or material, but we do not know what the symbol it contains represents and means. Of all those that exist, one of the most common, present in rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets, is the symbol of infinity.

Although it is known to all that is related to eternity, its meaning is much deeper and more beautiful.

Origin of the infinity symbol

Many centuries ago, in the year 1600 BC, the infinity symbol was represented by a circle. After more than 3 millennia, in the 17th century, the English mathematician John Wallis redesigned it In his Arithmetica Infinitorum, turning it into a number eight lying down, as we know it today.  

Of course, there are other theories as to the origin of the current design of the infinity symbol, coming from religion or alchemy, but the case of Wallis is the only documented one.

Infinity Symbol Meanings

for astrology, this symbol represents family, love, sincerity and freedom. Likewise, it is synonymous with a balance of forces, a duality and fusion of opposite situations or people, such as, for example, day and night, light and darkness, life and death or the feminine and the masculine.

in the spirit world, the number 8 that symbolizes infinity has the ability to heal, heal and relieve physical pain and that of the soul and mind. Likewise, it allows to ward off negative energies and bad influences. It also represents the beginning and the end, the past and the present.

for Reiki, form of alternative medicine that is based on transmitting energy through the hands, the infinity symbol is a healing element. In fact, during the practice of this medicinal technique, this symbol is usually drawn, in an imaginary way, on the person with the belief that negative energy is thrown out.

For the Catholic religion, It represents resurrection, eternal life and new life.

for loved ones, giving a jewel with the infinity symbol is always synonymous with wanting to transmit a eternal feeling of love, union, deep gratitude, trust and fidelity.

As you have seen, many meanings are attributed to the infinity symbol. Yes indeed, for the most part, they all share the same essence. Infinity is a sign of positive feelings and energies, of love, of life and of strength and, at Alchemy, we offer you the possibility of always carrying it with you.

They say that
No matter how short the path,
Who stomps leaves footprints

Many centuries ago, in the year 1600 BC, the infinity symbol was represented by a circle. After more than 3 millennia, in the 17th century, the English mathematician John Wallis redesigned it In his Arithmetica Infinitorum, turning it into a number eight lying down, as we know it today.   for Reiki, form of alternative medicine that is based on transmitting energy through the hands, the infinity symbol is a healing element. In fact, during the practice of this medicinal technique, this symbol is usually drawn, in an imaginary way, on the person with the belief that negative energy is thrown out. As you have seen, many meanings are attributed to the infinity symbol. Yes indeed, for the most part, they all share the same essence. Infinity is a sign of positive feelings and energies, of love,
Many centuries ago, in the year 1600 BC, the infinity symbol was represented by a circle. After more than 3 millennia, in the 17th century, the English mathematician John Wallis redesigned it In his Arithmetica Infinitorum, turning it into a number eight lying down, as we know it today.   for Reiki, form of alternative medicine that is based on transmitting energy through the hands, the infinity symbol is a healing element. In fact, during the practice of this medicinal technique, this symbol is usually drawn, in an imaginary way, on the person with the belief that negative energy is thrown out. As you have seen, many meanings are attributed to the infinity symbol. Yes indeed, for the most part, they all share the same essence. Infinity is a sign of positive feelings and energies, of love,