Welcome to my page and thank you for looking

trough my listings !

Prices starting from £65 depending on the type of the lens.

I service professionally any vintage lens.

This is something I do in my spare time ,  for many years, no matter of make and model.

I do this as a passion for photography, for vintage lenses , and so you guys can enjoy a vintage glass on it's full potential, without having to worry about the issues that a 40/60/70  years old lens has without being serviced.

Unless you don't require a full service (CLA), your lens  will be completely disassembled, every part will be cleaned of old grease and debris, degreased and washed with detergents (the optics won't be washed with detergents, off course).

The washing process , with detergents, not only helps for a nice and clean look of the barrel, getting all the dust out, but it also eliminates the risk of any fungal traces/spores may exist on the parts.

For re greasing , where applicable, I use a homemade grease , made by one of our eBay members. After testing many greases during the years I find this grease to be the best available on the market, offering good damping, smooth action and no oil separation over the time.

The optics will be cleaned individually, I never use any chemicals as I find them too dangerous for some optics with soft AR coating.

Over the time I developed my own techniques to clean the optics without any risk and without creating any cleaning marks or other damages.

I use exclusively sensor swabs on the optics which being designed for digital sensors are the softest material on the marked.

The fungus removal process is done with my special techniques, using an non invasive cream which melts down the fungus but doesn't affect in any way the optics or the AR coating. In my early years of lens servicing I used hydrogen peroxide, but after destroying the coating if a Meter optik kens, I never touched that peroxide again :).

Please note if the fungus was present on the optics for long periods of time, even after removing it,  there will be marks left in the AR coating where the fungus was. Sometimes the fungus is so aggressive that it even goes into the glass itself.

However, my method will remove any trace of fungus and you can rest assured it doesn't expand anymore.

Please get in touch with details about the lens you would like to service, and once you receive a quote, you can then press the"make offer" button with the price agreed.

Once the fungus is removed, I also expose the optics on UV-C light which kills any fungal traces.

Please check my listings , all the lenses I list are serviced by myself, you can get an idea of the quality if service offered.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Thank you very much for watching!