A second recovered example of a 

World War Two

'Battle of The Bulge'

related personal German item,

in the shape of a small

Decontamination Stick

a issued to Wehrmacht & Waffen-XX

troops fighting in 

The Ardennes in 1944

Manufactured in brown bakelite,

carried in the bread-bag or inner tunic-bandage pocket,

 and measuring approx 3" x 1" x.5"

there is a clear stamping of


and manufacturer's logo to both the top & bottom.

Recovered last year, along with a number of WW-II German relics,

 from a local rubbish tip

in the stunning Ardennes town of 


the lid has fused to the stock,

so it is not possible to open up to check the powdered contents. 

Nevertheless another cracking wee relic from 

The Battle of The Bulge in 1944

(Photo courtesy of The Tomahawk Films WW-II German Archive)

Thanks for looking..!