Photoplay Magazine August 1950 Esther Williams, Marilyn Monroe, Brando

Very early Marilyn Monroe photo and blurb. 3 years before Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire came out in 1953.

The magazines I sell are between 30-150 years old. They will have signs of wear. Please carefully examine photos.


I always combine shipping on purchases, and I refund any difference between what you were charged and what I paid for shipping and handling.

All items sold are vintage finds sourced from estate sales and thrift stores in the Hollywood area of Southern California.

I do my best to catalog any flaws I find in the description of the item.

I do not accept order cancellations for any reason other than I have not shipped the item in the time I promised

Your purchase helps me continue to fund my artistic work as a photographer in Hollywood California. It also helps me to feed my increasingly finicky cat who now only wants the most expensive cat food