
Cronin, J: City of Mirrors - Justin Cronin

Art Nr.: 1409130479

ISBN 13: 9781409130475

B-Nr: INF1000324342

Subtitle: A Novel

Serie: 3

Release year: 2017

Published by: Orion Publishing Group

Edition: Taschenbuch

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 207x179x51 mm

Pages: 688

Weight: 443 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Justin Cronin

Gebraucht - Gut Retoure aus dem Handel mit mittleren Transportmängeln. Buch ist als Mängelexemplar gekennzeichnet. Rechnung liegt bei.

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In life I was a scientist called Fanning.

Then, in a jungle in Bolivia, I died.

I died, and then I was brought back to life...

Prompted by a voice that lives in her blood, the fearsome warrior known as Alicia of Blades is drawn towards to one of the great cities of The Time Before. The ruined city of New York. Ruined but not empty. For this is the final refuge of Zero, the first and last of The Twelve. The one who must be destroyed if mankind is to have a future.

What she finds is not what she's expecting.

A journey into the past.

To find out how it all began.

And an opponent at once deadlier and more human than she could ever have imagined.


The publishing phenomenon that began with the astonishing worldwide bestseller THE PASSAGE now comes to its epic conclusion.

Informationen über den Autor

Born and raised in New England, Justin Cronin is a multi-award-winning writer. He is Professor of English at Rice University, and lives with his family in Houston, Texas.


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