I got a lot of these guys second hand quite some years back. A bunch of them used to be blood angels, some used to be imperial fist, and there are some raven wing (I think). Some of the models have pretty thick paint as they had another chapters paint scheme until I sprayed them with Caliban green. I didn't get all of them so well so you can definitely see red spots on the ones that used to be blood angels. The front row 10 are dark angels from dark vengeance. Also I didn't know to shake my nuln oil at the time so some of them are glossy. I haven't played dark angles since 7th edition so thats why they all have the 25mm bases. Some models are missing shoulder pads and others are missing power packs. Im 90% sure some of the weapon combos that the sergeants have aren't allowed so you'll probably have to change out their weapons. If you have any questions feel free to message me.